It’s been a wild ride. I had my last appointment with the orthosurgeon in March, just shortly before COVID 19 exploded.
My surgery was in December for this foot, and the healing journey has been different and at my last appointment, I noticed that’s because my repair is completely different than the left foot. I didn’t ask a lot of question, even though I should, but doctors intimidate me. Whereas my left foot is a repair on the proximal phalanges, the right foot is a repair on the metartarsal.
I heard him tell the student that the metarsal was curved outwards and the bone was cut and then repositioned and a massive plate put in place. Which explains the comment the XRAy tech said – wow, what kind of break did you have. I’ve seen anything like this before. #lol.
Ya, so that’s my foot. It’s still healing at 3 months and still causing me pain at 5 months.
The pain I have today is most likely do the stupidity of me deciding to build a playhouse for the kids and standing on a ladder. This your gentle reminder that it takes time to heal and sometimes when you think it’s a bad idea, it probably is. I’ve had to spend much of the past three weeks resting because my foot is saying no. I had some inflammation along my foot for at least a week or two. It has now gone, and goes down if I rest. I find I get inflammation if I do too much or the wrong type of thing.
It’s hard not to do too much. I have a beautiful garden that I want to work in, and the sunshine, and quarantine. Sitting around is really hard. I’ve been doing that for the past three years since my feet started bothering me. It’s like come on, I just want to climb mountains but my body says – hold it, lets heal.
My knees are also causing me a lot of pain this week and that might be because of other things. I’m hoping to buy a bike soon and be able to peddle. The physiotherapist suggest cycling was a low impact activity that might help with the knee pain and activity.
It’s also totally crazy to think that I’ve gained almost 60-75lbs since this whole thing started because of the lack of moving my body. I can’t wait to start moving my body again, but this time I’m going to focus on feeling good not loosing weight. I need to rebuild some of those relationships.
As for my left foot, it’s been almost a year, or over a year since that surgery, and things are okay. It feels sore from time to time, but it feels like it’s healing and we are making progress. I know people think that bunionette surgeries are easier, but not really – we still heal slowly and I’m still in pain – it’s different pain, a pain of healing but it’s not an easy foot surgery.
Oh, and I bought a new pair of sandals. These are a mens extra wide Chacos. They fit really nice and good amount of support. Still a little sore for my healing left foot, but they feel good for the right foot.
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