Meet Bailey Bouwman
Bailey Bouwman is a Cloth Diaper Author and Social Media Strategist living in Northern British Columbia with her family of four.
Her cloth diaper journey begins in 2015, and has not yet ended. Even though she doesn’t have a baby in diapers, she calls the cloth diaper community her home. Today, this website is part of a collection of projects. She continues to support Cloth Diapering with the Cloth Diaper Podcast.
Bailey is a champion for collaboration and believes that the cloth diaper community only grows when we come together to be more inclusive and welcoming through intentional watching our words and the messages we share.
Yes, I still write Cloth Diaper Reviews. As a member of the cloth diaper community for over five years, I bring a unique flair and perspective to cloth diaper content. I write reviews and continue to support cloth diaper education through this website and more. My dream is to one day be able to pay and sponsor other parents to write great quality reviews that provide unique perspectives for parents.
Bailey is not perfect. She’s just a mom. She works every day to be a better version of herself, and has made mistakes.
To connect, or learn more, email me at
Features & Guest Blogs by Bailey
- Podcast, Care More Be Better Podcast, Reducing waste in the diaper years.
- Podcast, Permanent Diaper Relief, Diaper Awareness Week
- Podcast, Baby Hour, Disposable Diapers versus Non Disposable Diapers or why not try both together.
- Podcast, Practically Zero Waste Podcast, Cloth Diapers Made Simple
- Summit, New Mom Summit 2021, Cloth Diapering 101 Presentation
- Blog, Lauren Rodych-Eberle, All Your Cloth Diaper Questions Answered
- Blog, Nest & Sprout Maternity, Curious About Cloth Diapers?
- Blog, The Stay Sane Mom, 3 Unusual Reasons to Try Cloth Diapers
- Blog, Sage Advice, How to Cloth Diaper in 2019
- Blog, Cloth Diaper Kids, what is the best cloth diaper?
- Blog, Simply Being, The Cloth Diaper Influencer Series: Meet Bailey Bouwman