I have removed this post.
It is unfair of me to critique a brand and then cancel them.
I no longer support cancel culture because it does not give brands an opportunity to grow and learn.
I apologize for my words and influence.
cloth diaper specialist - motherhood honestly
by Bailey
I have removed this post.
It is unfair of me to critique a brand and then cancel them.
I no longer support cancel culture because it does not give brands an opportunity to grow and learn.
I apologize for my words and influence.
Today, I did something I never imagined doing – I had a settlement conference following a small claims suit I made earlier this year. I filed for financial compensation following negligence of bookkeeping services that I hired out for almost 18 months. The thing about small claims court is they really want you to nail […]
I’m from BC’s southwest coast, rhododendrons grow everywhere. They are the hedge plant of everything, but in Prince George, BC you will be hard pressed to find a rhododendron because they are just not zone 3 plants. When we purchased our current home we were surprised to discover a rhododendron – but there was much […]
Leigh K. says
I bought Blueberry diapers in 2016 and loved their fit, prints, & their prices were not much more than Thirsties. . Then all the drama & communication issues happened, so I quit their FB groups because who needs more drama in their life? Now it seems they have stopped having a regular lineup of prints & do the whole pre-order thing. Their prices have risen sharply compared to other brands too. No way am I paying those prices. Now I’ll buy a few only when they have a seconds or flash sale at 1/2 price from the website. I love my Thirsties & how ethically their company is run.