Did you know that you can use a flat cloth diaper in a pocket diaper? You can use a flat diaper in an all in one, you can really use a flat diaper in so many ways. One of the simplest ways to use a flat diaper that ensures you enjoy the benefits of flat […]
Say No to Flour Sack Towels
This is one of those cloth diaper topics that I’m oddly passionate about… when I started cloth diapering in 2015 Flour Sack Towels really became the rage in the years following as a cheap alternative to cloth diaper absorbency and inserts. Of course, I tried it, but I just couldn’t get behind them, and even […]
2 Ways to Use a T-shirt as a Cloth Diaper
Sourcing diapers during a crisis, big or small, can be challenging – luckily, all you really need is something absorbent to catch the pee and a waterproof cover. Need more ideas for things you can reuse around your home for a diaper? Check out this post. This post was originally published for the 2017 Flats and […]
Handwashing Flats: What About Life?
Today is the last day of the Flats & Handwashing Challenge and my pile of diapers sits in the bathroom asking to be washed, but I’m not washing them, instead, I’m thinking about life. I’m participating in the 2018 Flats and Handwashing Challenge hosted by Cloth Diaper Revival. This challenge helps showcase real solutions for parents struggling […]
What Works When Handwashing Cloth Diapers (and What Doesn’t Work)
Day 6 of the Flats & Handwashing challenge is always a joyful reminder of being almost finished and a dreary wake-up call that handwashing is challenging to squeeze into your day, and your lifestyle. You make it work because it’s important to you, and this year I feel burdened with privilege in making this work. If you are […]
The Scrubba Wash Bag for Cloth Diapers
The Scrubba Wash Bag seemed like all the answers for my cloth diaper and handwashing needs, but in reality, it’s not the perfect solution to my handwashing woes. I’m participating in the 2018 Flats and Handwashing Challenge hosted by Cloth Diaper Revival. This challenge helps showcase real solutions for parents struggling with diapering. This blog contains affiliate links. As […]
Soap Nuts & Cloth Diapering
Soap Nuts and cloth diapering don’t usually go together, but today they do because I’m talking about hand washing for the 2018 Flats and Handwashing Challenge hosted by Cloth Diaper Revival. This challenge helps showcase real solutions for parents struggling with diapering. Today’s topic of conversation is figuring out those hand wash routines. This blog contains affiliate […]
My Why – 2018 Flats & Handwashing Challenge
This might just be my last-ever Flats and Handwashing Challenge. 2018 marks my third attempt at this crazy and ridiculously awesome challenge to showcase the practicality of cloth diapering and just continue the conversation about the option to cloth diaper. I participated in 2016 and 2017. If you want to read my archives, go for it. I’m participating in the 2018 […]
Padfold Flat Cloth Diapers {Small Flats on Big Babies}
I mostly use receiving blankets for my flat diaper stash. They are large, absorbent and awesome. However, I recently got my hands on some beautiful work-at-home-mom flat cloth diapers. These flat cloth diapers are ideal for smaller babies as they fold up to the perfect padfold size and into the perfect kite fold. But, I still wanted […]
Folding Flat Cloth Diapers: Kite Fold
When I gave up my AIO cloth diapers for simplicity some months ago, I opted to embrace Flat Cloth Diapers and Prefold Cloth Diapers. And while I typically, padfold my cloth diapers, there is a time and place for a folded cloth diapers. One of my favourite folds for littlest is the Kite Fold. This fold evenly […]