Hello 2019.
This is the year that I get back to writing for me, and me only. I spent the last year of my life writing for the world and creating content in the hopes of making this blog blow up and be the revenue generating machine I thought it could be. That did not happen.
For 2019, that’s coming to an end here at SimplyMomBailey and I’m now going to write for me, and whatever what my heart desires. This might include reviews and tutorials about things that I want to share not about things I think people want. I started blogging over ten years ago because I loved typing out my thoughts and feelings on a keyboard behind a screen. This evolved through the years to become what it is, and lately, I’ve felt tapped out.
Blogging to me is about sharing my perspective, and over the last few months, I began to fiercely understand why we need that. It’s a big world out there of rights and wrongs, and many ideas about how our life should be. However, in the mess of it all, there is so much diversity of experiences.
I want to return to sharing my experiences, my thoughts, and my beliefs not to change the world but to find companionship in the world. I do a lot of things differently than other mainstream ideas of motherhood and life, and I know that feels lonely. So this year of writing down, coming to peace with who I am as a person, and owning my own self.
I’m probably going to do some writing prompts in the scheme of it and try to post more regularly to grow my writing muscle and find myself.
This is the year of shaking off the shame and guilt that I feel about being different and owning it. If you read something on this page that you don’t agree with, I’m not out there to make you feel like a bad person. Those feelings are yours, not mine. I’m just here to share my experience and find people you might also live that life.
If you follow this blog for cloth diaper content, that might not be here anymore. You’ll also find it at my new job. The existing stuff will stay, but I won’t be writing reviews at the same rate I was in 2018. I will still write personal opinion pieces about cloth diapers and share them here on this space. If you want regular cloth diaper content check out the Cloth Diaper Podcast and it’s matching YouTube Channel.
Thanks for the love in 2018, and I hope you enjoy referencing any and all the content I’ve created over the years. You can still follow my Facebook – Instagram channels for personal content that reflects my life as a mom in Northern British Columbia.
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