Something weird that I struggle with, and wonder if anyone else does…. I struggle with always having to pay for childcare.
But what Bailey? Don’t get me wrong, I love my friend and will always pay her for her time to watch my kids. She’s worth it. That’s not my beef… sometimes I wish that we had someone who wanted to hang out with my kids because they love them and wanted to build a relationship with them. And that they maybe lived nearby. Because traveling to Chilliwack, Montreal or Edmonton just ain’t feasible all the time 😉 You know?
I was going to attend a conference in Vancouver (or two actually) and my mom and Mike we’re going to watch the kids. I was looking forward to that in more ways than can even be described in this post. Then COVID and now all that’s cancelled.
And sometimes I still grieve that.
I get caught up in that emotion that now if I need time to do something alone it comes at a sacrifice.
Either Eric has to take time off work – and then we don’t get to spend time as a family together.
Or I have to search for someone to watch the kids and pay.
Or I have to go somewhere.
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