I know I said I wouldn’t blog about blogging, but I’m such a social creature and I love interacting with like-minded people, that I can’t help but stay out of the blogger groups. And once in those blogger groups, the questions, the comments, the interactions… and you’ve got 99 problems and Pinterest ain’t one of them.
Are not getting the traffic you wanted
Are you not making money blogging?
Do you not have fans and followers?
Pinterest will not solve your problems.
Create Great Blog Content
I am no stranger to creating terrible content. I have written many blog posts that just stink and are not worth even existing on my blog. But, we all have taken those stumbles. At this point in my blogging career, I’m barely pumping out great content. Occasionally, posts like this happen and go viral on Facebook, but that’s almost never.
The magic key to blogging success is to create content people want to read.
It’s just that easy. #justkidding
There are too many blogs out there creating crappy content (mine included) that the internet doesn’t care about it. All of us entry-level bloggers need a wake up call to begin writing great content.
This means writing content somebody wants to read.
This means writing content well.
Hey, I do not write well. I really struggle because, despite my love to share, my love of writing is subpar. I use Grammarly to help me but that’s it. Practice makes perfect and reading helps improve your writing skills. I’m getting better.
And this means creating content that adds value.
Personal blogging is kind of dead. I write about my life sometimes like when we thought we’d buy a tiny house, and then when we thought we’d give up that dream, and how much railway life sucks. Those posts exist to give me reality and relatability. Those post exists because this is my blog with my rules, but I don’t expect those posts to make me money or drive my goals.
Pinterest is Awesome
But without value-added content, Pinterest for Blogging is not going to get you clicks or followers. I have zero reasons to pin a post about your vacation to the beach. I will, however, Pin a post about 5 things I need to pack to the beach with a baby.
If you want to be serious about Pinterest for Blogging you need to do these five things #saidthenewbie
- Create great content that needs to be read.
- Create Awesome Pins you would want to Pin.
- Create catchy Headlines that are relatable to your target audience.
- Add a description to your Pin to let people know what it is about. This will also let them find it. Maybe try some hashtags.
- Create Pins that work for Pinterest – check in on what size will work.
^ While I think it’s just that simple it’s not.
That’s the gist. But I’m not doing anything spectacular in life, so no point in sharing secrets I don’t even have.
You’re not making money off your blog because you’re not writing about things people care about. I’m not making money off this blog because people really don’t care about cloth diapers.
If you’re going to be serious, you need to be serious about the content you create.
That’s all.
Stop telling people Pinterest will solve their problems. Stumbleupon won’t make you rich either.
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