These hemp inserts, hemp prefolds, and hemp flats from Hemp Babies are a seriously underrated hemp cloth diaper in the market. HempBabies products are hard to find and not popular, but they are exceptionally well made, and when I purchased them last year, I was in complete awe. Let me explain why Hemp Babies cloth […]
Sloomb Trainers – Are they worth it?
These might just be the last pair of training pants I have yet to review. I’ve tried almost all the cloth training pants over the past year and a bit now. It took me a while to buck up and buy the Sloomb Trainers, but I finally did earlier this year. This post is not sponsored. This […]
Mother ease One Size Wizard Duo Cloth Diaper + Insert
I love Trade Shows. My dream job would be working a Trade Show. However, I live in Prince George, and the closest thing this YXS blogger gets to a Trade Show is a small WAHM (work at home mom) based fair. At this trade show was Prince George Diaper Service showcasing their cloth diapering and […]
Geffen Baby Hemp Jersey Prefold Cloth Diaper Review
You know what’s sexier than talking about flat cloth diapers, talking about prefold cloth diapers. Prefold cloth diapers offer the absorbency of flat cloth diapers, but with the ease and convince of less folding! If you’re looking for quality, absorbent prefold cloth diaper, then you NEED a Geffen Baby Hemp Jersey Prefold cloth diaper. Check […]