This post was originally published September 18, 2017. It was updated February 2020. I purchased this diaper myself from the second release of the Best Bottom AIO (first release was a slightly different cut). This post does contain affiliate links to cloth diaper shops I work with. View my full list of affiliates. Best Bottom […]
AppleCheeks AIO Review
The launch of the AppleCheeks All in One Cloth diaper this May brought me a ton of joy? Why? Because truthfully, I could care less about prints and care more about innovation. When a brand makes bold moves to either redesign their product or create an entirely new product I get giddy with excitment. To […]
Lighthouse Kids AIO Cloth Diaper Review
On my most recent holiday, I packed one single cloth diaper in anticipation of the perfect photo opportunity for this post. We headed to the Coast, and I figured there might be a lighthouse. There wasn’t. Why a lighthouse? Because today we are talking about Lighthouse Kids Company cloth diapers! [interact id=”61f1ae1922fd240018d660d7″ type=”quiz” mobile=”false” I received […]