This post is dedicated to the infants who wet the bed, max out cloth diapers, and just need something new. There is no industry standard for heavy wetter diapers. Some all in one’s are marketed as a heavy wetter diaper but only offer 12 ounces of absorbency which for light wetters is perfect, but for […]
Trendiest Cloth Diapers of 2020
I had a girlfriend slide into my DM’s the other day asking me about the trendiest cloth diapers of 2020, because the cloth diaper market has changed since 2015. And it has, the diapers that were cool and elusive in 2015 when I started diapering, and old news now. Now, we see more and more […]
Comparison of Smart Bottoms Dream Diaper (1.0 and 2.0)
This post was updated using fresh pictures and prospectives in July 2020. This review was originally written September 2017. I update reviews as my camera gear gets better and my thoughts change and evolve. Reviews are just one persons experience of a product and you should always consider thoughtfully how a product will best work […]
Pocket Cloth Diapers ARE NOT easy.
We all belong to one of those cloth diaper groups on Facebook. Right? One of those groups, where everyone and their great aunt is praising pocket cloth diapers as the end all and be all of the worlds. “I love my Happy Flute!” The bumGenius 5.0 works perfect” “Don’t know where I’d be without Alva.” “Nothing better […]
My Perfect Flat Cloth Diaper Stash
What is in my stash? Typically, I’m a little of everything kind of girl, but over the past few years of the Flats Challenge, I’ve started to figure out what I like, what I don’t like, and what works. There are so many different types of flat cloth diapers that range from extraordinarily frugal to […]
3 Cloth Diapers to Get Started
Now and then someone asks me for cloth diapering advice, and I just freeze up. They wonder “which cloth diapers to buy?” And I just go… blank. I hate giving cloth diapering advice. I might write a blog that’s largely dedicated to cloth diapering, but when it comes to the basics of cloth diapering and tips for the cloth diaper beginner, […]
Affordable Cloth Diapers: Imagine Baby Pocket Diaper
This cloth diaper mama doesn’t quite get the hype about pocket diapers, but that’s not going to prevent me from writing and chatting with them. I would much rather skip the stuffing diapers step – but you can’t do that with microfibre, and sometimes scrapping poop off inserts is less than enticing. The Imagine Baby […]
For the Love of Prefold Cloth Diapers: Bummis Prefold
It’s about time I told you about Bummis Prefold cloth diapers. These gorgeous rectangles of cotton are the very first cloth diapers I bought. They are also my go-to everyday choice for absorbency. There are a lot of options when it comes to prefold cloth diapers. When I purchased Bummi’s infant-sized Prefold cloth diapers they […]
Ready for Winter Cloth Diapers
Can you believe it? Fall is coming to an end, and with that means time for winter festivities and winter-themed Cloth Diapers! That’s right, you heard it here, I’m rounding up my favourite winter and snow-themed cloth diapers. I know there are some exclusive, limited edition, cloth diapers worth owning if you are hooked on the holidays, but […]
Current Diaper Obsession: 5 Cloth Diapers I Bought This Month
If you’re a regular follower of SimplyMomBailey, you know I’m not a brand loyalist. Sure, I work a few brands I love, but my stash is far from exclusive. Honestly, there are very few diapers I don’t like. I’m of the mindset cloth diapers work for every baby, and you need a little of everything for all the […]