Because I shared about Canning on TikTok, I have found myself thrust into the new role of a Home Canning influencer – alongside my side hustle as a cloth diaper blogger. Let’s talk about what you really need to start home canning and preserving food. There’s two different ways to can: pressure canning (low acid […]
How to Prepare For Canning Season (Before It Happens!)
Canning Season has begun – and with it comes the complete clear out of canning supplies at shops and retailers. Yes, you might be at your local grocer and notice they are completely out of rings, jars, and course salt. Essential Canning Supplies What I Learnt in A Day of Canning (or More) First Attempt […]
First Attempt at Rhubarb Juice & the Jelly
I have this big beautiful rhubarb plant in the corner of my garden that begs to be picked and loved. At my previous locale, we also had a rhubarb plant but I ignored it like a champ because “I don’t like rhubarb.” Turns out, I just don’t really know what to do with it. I […]
What I Learnt in A Day of Canning (or More)
This year I’m trying to be a better Earthling and fudge, its hard. I had a ton of crunchy New Years Resolutions, many of which I’ve forgotten and neglected as we do six months later, but sometimes I try and remember them. I walk to the grocery store occasionally, and I totally skirt by the […]