I think we need to clear something up, I feel like everyone is getting up in arms about my less than amazing reviews of cheap diapers I ordered from the internet. This is my response to many of the YouTube comments from my Cloth Diaper Podcast Channel I’m getting that say I’m too harsh on […]
Redefining Affordable: Shop Small
Every month another baby boutique specialising in cloth diapers shuts down in North America. Month after month they struggle to compete with the internet and with the never-ending crusade of dirt cheap diapers being pushed out of manufacturing countries (and other factors, I’m sure). Purchased from co-ops, or directly from manufacturers, these diapers cost pennies on […]
Elemental Joy by Cotton Babies (A Review)
Are you excited? I’m excited about the Elemental Joy cloth diaper release! Whenever something new is released in the land of cloth diapers, it’s an exciting day for addicts and connoisseurs alike. New brands and new styles are intriguing but lately, they’ve come with a bit of a price tag. Whether its the latest Best Bottom […]