This continues to be one of my top performing blog posts — and every time I see that, it makes me chuckle because I know that the internet is telling you all these rules that you need to follow and you don’t. Cloth diapering is meant to be simple, and the rules get created for […]
Best Wool Wash for Cloth Diapering
Are you wondering if buying fancy wool wash Is worth it to wash your woollies that you use for cloth diapers? Or can you really get by with baby soap? What is the deal with all the different options and how do I know what to buy? I get it, wool is intimidating. First, you […]
My Cloth Diaper Wash Routine
I’ve been asked this a few times now, and I’ve been hesitant to share my cloth diaper wash routine. Hesitant because I believe cloth diapering is multidimensional and wash routines differ for everybody and even every baby. On the Cloth Diaper Podcast, I’ve been asking about different routines because I want to share in that spectrum of […]
The Evidence [or lack thereof] for Powdered versus Liquid Detergent?
If you’re active in cloth diaper groups on Facebook or elsewhere on the web, then you’ve probably picked up this notion that powdered laundry detergent is supposedly more effective in hard water and liquid is more ideal for softer water. The implied suggestion is that powdered detergents have more softeners added than liquid. But is this true? As […]
Dirty Diaper Storage Solutions with Buttons Diapers
Right now, my dirty cloth diaper situation is a little chaotic. We’ve been busy go-go going this summer hitting up playgrounds, and adventures within the local area and dirty diaper storage has been a little hectic. Dirty diapers EVERYWHERE and no logic. Between long days at the splash pad, and weekends hitting up birthday parties, most […]
I don’t give a Sh*t about Cloth Diaper Wash Routine
I don’t give a sh*t about having the perfect cloth diaper wash routine. I think it’s an unattainable goal to have the ultimate perfect admin approved cloth diaper wash routine. After 2 years of cloth diapering and being involved in the cloth diaper community, I’ve learnt one thing. It applies to wash routines, diapering […]
How to Rock your Hand Wash Routine
I’m participating in the 2017 Flats and Handwashing Challenge hosted by Cloth Diaper Revival. This event focuses on the very real and viable answer to cloth diaper your children. For the latest and greatest follow our Flats & Hand washing Challenge on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Specifically, go check me out on Facebook and like my page! If […]